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maverick180 8:30 Sun May 5
Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
At 42 years of age my memory of West Ham stretches back as far as the early 90’s
Which were pretty decent years, especially under Redknapp
Stand out bad years would obviously be Roeder, Grant and Allardyce
Roeder - criminal getting relegated with the wealth of talent at his disposal and also dropping Di Canio, but my memory wasn’t playing awful week in, week out, we just shipped too many goals

Grant - tried to play the right way but just had a poor squad i.e. Spector, picked up once Ba was signed but was too little too late

Allardyce - woeful football, lump the ball up top but at least lumping the ball down field meant there was a plan to get the ball into the back of the oppositions net, albeit an unattractive one

Other mentions

Curbishley - bland football and shocking that Mullins was chosen over Mascherano, same with Harewood over Tevez until fate intervened,
Once Tevez went I have a memory of this team being a difficult watch

Zola - tried to play decent football but didn’t have the players and it failed spectacularly but the idea was there

Bilic (post Payet) - this was bad, think losing Payet demoralised the guy and he kind of lost the plot like playing Antonio at right back, but was quickly put out of his misery

Pellegrini - struggling to remember if it was just plain bad or boring

And now on to Moyes
What started out as an enjoyable season and a half soon tailed off once teams had us sussed
The trophy win was something I’ll remember for the rest of my life but my god we deserved it for the absolute shit this bloke has served up,
What’s our current plan to score a goal???? 10 men sitting in our own half, no passages of play or possession, just 2 or 3 passes then a lofted ball to no one cos we’re closed down too quickly and we panic but never attempt to use this tactic ourselves,
Like for like substitutions, never a player hauled off early cos he’s having a mare unless he’s a Steidten signing

It’s a weird one for me, cos he gave me the most memorable moment of my life as a West Ham fan, but has also made me fall out of love with watching us play, cos for me, this is the most bored I’ve ever been as a fan

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Massive Attack 7:38 Mon May 6
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
I think so, Maverick. It's certainly up there and yet for the best part of the most recent 2 seasons we've had some real quality uality players at our disposal that I feel have been badly misused.

Hammer Oz 7:22 Mon May 6
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
I've always had a blind loyalty with claret and blue glasses the majority of my time, I wouldn't leave early regardless.
I must say as I'm in Oz and the games are on at stupid O'clock I have been tested, a few games this year I have sacked it at half time
David 'Bambi on Ice' Kelly up front was a tough watch though

Hammer Oz 7:22 Mon May 6
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
I've always had a blind loyalty with claret and blue glasses the majority of my time, I wouldn't leave early regardless.
I must say as I'm in Oz and the games are on at stupid O'clock I have been tested, a few games this year I have sacked it at half time
David 'Bambi on Ice' Kelly up front was a tough watch though

zico 3:08 Mon May 6
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
Or indeed sign players and don't actually play them in the positions where their form flagged the initial interest.

nychammer 2:16 Mon May 6
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
zico - I've always half wondered if Sullivan and Jnr sit there and play some grotesque game of fantasy football, where they sign the players and tell Moyes to make it work. How else do explain signings like Cornet, Vlasic, Hugill, Thehrer etc who we sign and just don't play. I mean literally Never.

zico 1:12 Mon May 6
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
I remember reading a piece by Macari and he said he wanted to play football but in the oppositions half rather than give the ball away in our own half so you can understand what he was getting but, especially after relegation, but I don't think he went about it the right way and alienated the players.

Some of the counter attacking football earlier on under Moyes was excellent at times, especially that period when Lingard was on fire, but you need a certain type of player to carry that off and we didn't recruit well enough bringing in talented players but not suited to that style. Haller, Scamacca and Ings to name a few. The players from tilt period are several years older as well and they weren't young to start with. That's what baffles me with Moyes most. He has his way of playing but doesn't recruit to benefit that style.

nychammer 12:26 Mon May 6
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
We've also ridden our luck a huge amount this season and gotten away with it. Its all well playing without the ball and inviting the opposition on, but you invariably present them some decent chances doing that. We've come back to win games where the opposition could have been out of sight (thinking Arsenal, Spurs, Everton, Barnsley etc)

Lately our luck has not been in and we've taken some very solid beatings.

zebthecat 11:41 Sun May 5
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
twoleftfeet 9:26 Sun May 5

Lee Chapman was very good at falling over and not much else.
Peak "respect the point" Fat Sam was much worse.

maverick180 11:40 Sun May 5
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
A stat that I think might be a record for us this season in the league is
We’ve won 1 game by 3 or more goals
But lost 6 games by 3 or more

maverick180 11:37 Sun May 5
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
RM10 I totally agree
There’s quite a few people that have posted that fail to understand the original question I’m asking
I’m not suggesting this is the worst West Ham team of all time, we have quite a few individuals that are genuinely quality players
And we’re still in 9th when we’ve finished rock bottom a few times so obviously we’re not as bad as that
I’m just asking are we setting up to play the most boring brand of football we’ve ever seen,
For me, it’s a big yes
For example Bowen could’ve had a hat trick today if he’d of been a bit luckier, but if he had, that scoreline would’ve flattered to deceive,
Those chances just came out of almost nothing
The only decent team goals we’ve scored this season to memory came in the Europa, which is difficult to assess at what level of team we’re actually up against

RM10 11:29 Sun May 5
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
Since 86 there have been quite a few believe me, what’s worse is that these players are so much better than those sides.

maverick180 11:26 Sun May 5
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
For the Moyes lovers that are saying no, this isn’t the most boring West Ham side of all time,
Can you please give details of which side was?

RM10 11:24 Sun May 5
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
Our defence has to be one of the worst and most of the rest are over rated. I said that we will have trouble with centre backs and we have. You have to start from the back. I won’t be shocked to see paq alverez and kudas on their way, I haven’t said it before but they have no intention to be at our club for long. Next manager may have some money in but a massive rebuild.

maverick180 11:24 Sun May 5
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
Nerd - no I’ve never seen West Ham play under any other manager before, hence my original post

goose 10:39 Sun May 5
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
Ignore ‘feet, he’s not got a fucking clue.
Bond’s team in that season was way more exciting than the shit currently being served up.

We approach every game like we’re a non-league team play away at peak Barcelona.
It’s embarrassing.

nerd 10:38 Sun May 5
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
No , have you never watched West ham

BillyBondsBirthday 10:34 Sun May 5
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?

MrTrentReznor 10:27 Sun May 5
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?

Interesting point re Macari. I saw an interview recently of a WHU 'great' (think it was Julian Dicks) & he said that the players would ignore Macari on match days.
Macari would practice playing a certain way & then tell them play a certain way but on match days he said they had players like Liam Brady & he mentioned one other & himself & they just ignored what he said & played the way they wanted.

Personally I think managers can have no positive effect on any player.
Players want to play well.
Managers only want to restrict & confine players.
The managers can only make players play worse.
It's the managers that do the least amount of damage that are the best.

For some reason Moyes couldn't work with proven goalscorers like Haller & Scamacca - both were successes prior & post being Moyes boys. Moyes doesn't like 'flair' - you 'work' - quite often aimlessly - or you are out.

Finally, Moyes is a football genius.
No-one else could've so masterfully combined what you term 'boring football' with losing 5-0 at Fulham, 0-6 at home to Arsenal, 5-0 @ Chelsea, 2-0 @ Forest, 0-2 @ home to Fulham & throwing away a 1-3 lead at a severely injury hit NUfc without mastering the art of focusing on giving the ball away, defending deep & conceding a huge amount of goals.

maverick180 9:35 Sun May 5
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
This is why I’m asking
I’m a big fan of history in things that I have an interest in
I remember the Lee Chapman season where we done Blackburn 2-0 but remember he was considered a bit of a donkey for us but being about 13 at the time I wasn’t watching us week in week out to know
I’ve also heard the Lou Macari era was bad but again whilst being alive it’s before my time as being a fan

twoleftfeet 9:26 Sun May 5
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
There is no way this is the most boring we have been!

I remember when we got relegated in the 70s, I remember John Radford and Lee Chapman up front for us.

This isn’t great but it’s far and away not the most boring in my 49 years of supporting the club.

maverick180 9:26 Sun May 5
Re: Is this the most boring West Ham side you’ve ever seen?
Yep, we always tail off
I remember under Bilic we lost to Stoke which cost us a higher place in the league
And under Moyes it always happens cos the bloke doesn’t believe in building a squad
It baffles me how you wouldn’t welcome extra players but apparently he turns them down
I mean even if they’re shit you haven’t lost anything

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